How to store dentures long term?

Dentures are used to replace missing teeth and tissues.  They can be considered false or artificial teeth that are removable. You can take dentures in and out of your mouth according to your ease. They are a lifesaver for our teeth and are often recommended by dentists. Storing dentures long term can become a big problem if you do not know how to do that job well. Then this is the article, we will show you, how to store dentures long term.

Dentures can be of many types: partial, custom, immediate, implant-supported, snap-in, upper, and overdentures. Do you know how to store dentures long-term? If you store them the right way, they will last you long and ultimately save you money. So, here is an explanation of how you can store dentures long term.

Let us first understand why you may need to wear dentures.

Why you may need to wear dentures

Truly speaking, many people wear dentures to fix their appearance. Our society still considers the notion of a perfect smile as a sign of beauty. So many people wear dentures to get that perfect smile and fix any missing teeth or faulty tissues. They support the cheeks and lips. Again, old people also wear dentures because they have trouble eating with their own teeth. So they opt for dentures.

They can be a great help in such cases. No matter what your reason for wearing spare dentures is, you must know how to store dentures long term. Wearing dentures is actually becoming a very common practice these days. Due to increasing cases of poor oral health, there is a rise in the demand for dentures too. But we must not forget the concept of judicious use. So we must know how to store dentures for long periods.

We cannot ignore the fact that dentures are made using artificial materials and they will deteriorate with time.

How to store my dentures long term

The most widely recognized way to store dentures for the long term is to remove them at night- when you, how to store dentures overnight? Whenever you remove dentures from your teeth at night, you give relief to your oral tissues. Your false or artificial teeth are always in your mouth and hence tend to be moist. You need to be very careful as to how to store them overnight.

  1. Clean your dentures well. Do not keep them dirty when you store them.
  2. Leave them in a glass of water.
  3. In case you have a dental cleaning solution, you can store your dentures there as well.
  4. The container should be with a lid meant to store dentures.
  5. Do not store your dentures in hot or boiling water.
  6. Keep the container in a clean and safe location so that it does not fall off.

Why keep your dentures in water?

As already mentioned, the dentures tend to remain moist as they are in our mouths throughout the day. The last thing you wish for is for them to dry out. That you will really regret, we are quite sure about that. When the false teeth are not moist, they may become misshapen and will not be good for your teeth eventually. Such dentures will not fit your teeth perfectly and can cause a huge problem.

Ill-fitting dentures can lead to oral problems. Honestly, water is the best liquid to keep your dentures overnight. Water is the best solvent, right? It will keep your spare dentures wet and prevent them from drying out. But make sure that the store dentures in water is not in an extreme temperature-neither too hot nor too cold.

However, there is a range of dental cleaning solutions to store your dentures overnight. But do remember one thing, if you do choose to keep your dentures overnight in any such dental cleaning solution, rinse them off completely before wearing them again the next day.

How to store spare dentures long term?

You may have a set of spare dentures with you. Of course, it is smart and reasonable to keep an extra set of dentures in case the ones you use every day have any problems. But what do you do to store your dentures? How do you store dentures?

Are you one of those people who just throw them away or they lie in a shady space such as a cupboard uncovered and not taken care of? If you do any of these things, your spare dentures are in big trouble. You really need to take care of your dentures.

Here are some of the tips you can use to store your spare dentures correctly:

  1. Do not allow your dentures to dry out. This is something that should be taken care of. You need to make sure that your spare dentures remain moist and are not misshapen.
  2. You can opt for storing your dentures in a denture storage box.
  3. Make sure the water that you use to store your dentures is neither too hot nor too cold-just the optimum temperature.
  4. Also, make it a point to keep the water clean. It should not be contaminated. You do not want unwanted bacterial growth in your spare dentures.
  5. Whenever you need to use your dentures, rinse them off very well and then use them.

How to take care of new dentures?

clean dentures

Taking care of new dentures can be tricky. They need a little more attention and care so that they last well. If you keep them in a proper condition from the beginning, they will last you more and you will definitely end up saving money. Maybe buy something for yourself from that money then!

When you have dentures it definitely does not mean that you stop taking care of your teeth. If you maintain healthy oral hygiene, the durability of your dentures will also improve. Also, clean your dentures pretty well.

You should buy a  new toothbrush just to clean your dentures. Make sure no food is stuck in your false teeth otherwise they will become a breeding place for bacteria. But be very gentle when cleaning them. You need to be very careful, after all, they are artificial teeth, they can be damaged easily. Using any random toothpaste will do more harm than good.

So do not waste your time or money on that. Be a wise buyer and choose the right product for yourself. Do not forget to consult your dentist first. That should be the first thing to do to prevent bad oral health. Do not use cheap toothpaste. There are kinds of toothpaste available just to clean dentures. This is an example of such a product made specifically for cleaning dentures.

Here is an example of such a denture cleaning cream.  There are several other products available in the market too. But make sure you consult your dentist before using any such product depending upon the condition of your teeth.

It is always advisable to follow your dentist’s instructions before buying any random toothpaste or dental care product for that matter. So be careful before using any random products on your spare dentures. They are false teeth and you need to take good care of them. These are very simple tips on how to store dentures long term.

How to clean dentures?

This is a topic of constant buzz. You are often told that in order to store dentures you must clean them. But nobody tells you how to. This creates the biggest confusion of all. You know what to do, but are unaware of how to do it. Don’t worry! You are at the right place and we are here to solve all your problems and doubts related to spare dentures, their storage, and cleaning. Here is a simple three-step method to clean your dentures without any hassle.

Cleaning dentures
This is the first and foremost step in cleaning your dentures. You can use water or any denture cleaner to store your dentures. Keep them there for the specified amount of time- that is mentioned in the label of the dental cleaning solution. The important benefit of soaking is that it helps in removing impurities of very small size that sometimes even toothbrushes can’t remove.
Brushing your fake teeth is as important as brushing your natural teeth. You are using your fake teeth every day, especially for eating purposes. Obviously, food can get stuck in your false teeth when you eat. So when you store dentures, make sure that they are clean. In order to remove the small food particles that might be stuck in your teeth, you can consider brushing your teeth.

However, you should use a toothbrush of good quality, preferably a soft bristle toothbrush. As already mentioned, false teeth need extra care as they can be damaged easily if not paid attention to. As already mentioned, do not use any arbitrary toothpaste. Use a toothpaste that has been specifically made to clean dentures. Otherwise, you will end up messing with your dentures big time.
This is a very important step, but most people neglect it. Here’s the thing: What will happen if you follow the above two steps with absolute diligence, but forget to follow the third step? Let us understand why you should never, never, ever forget the third step.

When you soak your dentures in a dental cleaning solution and then use a toothpaste that definitely contains chemicals, you need to rinse your dentures very well. Otherwise, these chemicals will end up in your mouth, and you do know about the consequences. You don’t know what bad might happen. Water is the best liquid. Use it to clean your dentures very well to remove any remaining chemicals in your dentures.

How to remove dentures?

Removing dentures

You should also know the right way to remove the dentures from your teeth.

You can do this using the following steps:

  1. Take a container and fill it with water or a solution from your dental cleanser.
  2. Now, gently place your fingers and thumb against your denture and cheeks(in case of upper dentures).
  3. Use an even amount of pressure.
  4. For lower dentures, you need to use your fingers on both sides of the denture.
  5. Now pull the dentures, and they will themselves start loosening.
  6. It is a very simple process, you will gain perfection only when you do it continuously.
  7. Do not worry and be careful while following any of these procedures.

These were some tips on how to store dentures long term. Taking care of your dentures is very necessary. Dentures remain in your mouth for almost the entire day. Taking care of your dentures is directly related to your oral health. So, they must be a priority for you. The above steps have been formulated after digging into the topic and doing research, and truthfully, taking care of your dentures can be hassle-free and extremely easy if you follow the above steps.

Check out the 5 best Denture cleanser

At the same time, we will let you know about popular denture cleaners which how to store dentures for long period of time:

1. Polident Smokers Denture Cleanser Tablets

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  • All prices mentioned above are in United States dollar.
  • This product is available at,, FSA Store.
  • At you can purchase Polident Smokers Antibacterial Denture Cleanser Effervescent Tablets, 120 count for only $5.34 , which is 55% less than the cost in FSA Store ($11.99).
  • The lowest price of Polident 3 Minute Antibacterial Denture Cleanser Tablets was obtained on 03/19/2025 5:08 AM.
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Last Amazon price update was: 03/22/2025 3:20 PM
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2. SUNTRADE Denture Case with Strainer

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Set Alert for Product: 2 Pack Denture Bath Case Cup Box Holder Storage Soak Container with Strainer Basket for Travel Cleaning - $9.54
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Price history for 2 Pack Denture Bath Case Cup Box Holder Storage Soak Container with Strainer Basket for Travel Cleaning
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  • $9.55 - 12/25/2024
  • $9.75 - 10/16/2024
  • $9.76 - 09/25/2024
Since: 09/25/2024
  • Highest Price: $10.79 - 01/16/2025
  • Lowest Price: $9.54 - 02/08/2025
Last Amazon price update was: 03/22/2025 12:10 PM
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  • All prices mentioned above are in United States dollar.
  • This product is available at
  • At you can purchase 2 Pack Denture Bath Case Cup Box Holder Storage Soak Container with Strainer Basket for Travel Cleaning for only $9.54
  • The lowest price of 2 Pack Denture Bath Case Cup Box Holder Storage Soak Container with Strainer Basket for Travel Cleaning was obtained on 03/19/2025 3:02 AM.
Price history for 2 Pack Denture Bath Case Cup Box Holder Storage Soak Container with Strainer Basket for Travel Cleaning
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  • $9.55 - 12/25/2024
  • $9.75 - 10/16/2024
  • $9.76 - 09/25/2024
Since: 09/25/2024
  • Highest Price: $10.79 - 01/16/2025
  • Lowest Price: $9.54 - 02/08/2025

3. Efferdent Denture Cleanser Tablets

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Set Alert for Product: Efferdent Anti-Bacterial Denture Cleanser Tablets - 102 ct - $4.99
Last Amazon price update was: 03/24/2025 4:09 AM
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  • All prices mentioned above are in United States dollar.
  • This product is available at Rite Aid,,
  • At you can purchase Efferdent Anti-Bacterial Denture Cleanser Tablets - 102 ct for only $4.99 , which is 57% less than the cost in ($11.51).
  • The lowest price of Efferdent Anti-Bacterial Denture Cleanser Tablets - 102 ea was obtained on 03/23/2025 8:29 PM.

4. Super Poligrip Extra Care Denture Adhesive Cream

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Set Alert for Product: Poligrip Extra Care Zinc Free Denture Adhesive Cream, 2.2 oz - 2 pk - $8.99
Last Amazon price update was: 03/24/2025 10:46 PM
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  • All prices mentioned above are in United States dollar.
  • This product is available at Rite Aid,,
  • At you can purchase Poligrip Extra Care Zinc Free Denture Adhesive Cream, 2.2 oz - 2 pk for only $8.99 , which is 54% less than the cost in ($19.50).
  • The lowest price of Super Poligrip Denture Adhesive Cream, Extra Care Twin Pack, 2.2 Oz was obtained on 03/23/2025 10:19 PM.

5. Cushion Grip Soft Pliable Thermoplastic

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Price history for Cushion Grip - a Soft Pliable Thermoplastic for Refitting and Tightening Dentures 1 Oz (28 Grams)
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  • Highest Price: $13.99 - 11/19/2024
  • Lowest Price: $12.49 - 12/23/2024
Last Amazon price update was: 03/24/2025 11:47 PM
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  • All prices mentioned above are in United States dollar.
  • This product is available at,
  • At you can purchase Cushion Grip 10 Gram Trial Tube - a Soft Pliable Thermoplastic for Refitting and Tightening Dentures for only $9.64 , which is 31% less than the cost in ($13.99).
  • The lowest price of Cushion Grip - a Soft Pliable Thermoplastic for Refitting and Tightening Dentures 1 Oz (28 Grams) was obtained on 03/20/2025 10:49 PM.
Price history for Cushion Grip - a Soft Pliable Thermoplastic for Refitting and Tightening Dentures 1 Oz (28 Grams)
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Since: 11/19/2024
  • Highest Price: $13.99 - 11/19/2024
  • Lowest Price: $12.49 - 12/23/2024

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How to store dentures long term?

    Whenever your dentures are not in use, store them in clean water.

  2. How to store old dentures long term?

    You should store your old dentures in special denture storage boxes. Keep on checking the water level frequently.

  3. How to store spare dentures long term?

    Follow the three-step method: Soak, Brush, and Rinse.


However, do not have blind faith in these steps and always listen to the recommendations of your dentist first. We do not hold any responsibility for the products mentioned here. You need to ask your dentist first before buying any product. You can do a patch test- that is use a small amount of the product first to see if it is working for you or not. We hope all your doubts were cleared here. Try to maintain good oral health and visit your dentist frequently.

We wish you healthy teeth and also check Eating after brushing your teeth at night


Vaishali Pant
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