OHHH, NO, NOT AGAIN!!! Why am I gagging with my dentures?
That is a reaction you’ll experience cause of wearing an upper removable complete denture. At times you will find yourself gagging with dentures without even noticing. But once the discomfort kicks in, it’s unbearable.
The truth is you’ll experience this for a while until you get used to it. Though this might take a few days or weeks to get used to. The Pharyngeal is usually caused by stimulating the Glossopharyngeal or Vagus nerve of your tongue.
All in all, gagging is a natural way the body prevents itself from choking. But when dentures are involved, the narrative changes. This article will expand on the gagging reflex and how to avoid it while having dentures. And your gag reflex problem with dentures
What is the gagging reflex?
When we talk about gagging with dentures in simpler terms, it’s the opposite of swelling. When gagging with dentures, there are two separate sections at the back of your mouth. They close off entry to the throat, and the Pharynx contracts while the Larynx pushes it up.
When this happens, we consider it a defense mechanism preventing you from swallowing or ingesting. The process is usually controlled by your nerves and muscles, which is known as Neuromuscular action. Hence, it covers the upper section when wearing a denture, making you gag a lot the first time.
Additionally, gagging is experienced with or without dentures. Children gagging reflex is are mainly considered a normal reaction that happens until they outgrow. In most cases, children above four years tend to outgrow the process they breathe through their noses.
In adults, the narrative is different since you have outgrown the condition. But you’ll begin to gag when having your dentures on. And at times, you might have difficulty swallowing.
Gagging and how it happens

Gagging happens when nerves have been triggered. In these cases, two triggers lead to gagging. They include Physical stimuli, which are referred to as Somatogenic and mental triggers, known as Psychogenic.
You might find yourself gagging due to physical touch. This could be from your dentures. It could be because of sight, smell, or even thought of a situation or object. Furthermore, there are five sections you can touch and leads to gagging.
The sections include; the base of your tongue, back of your Pharyngeal wall, Uvula, Fauces, and Palate. Once the spots have been touched, it stimulates the nerves to your Medulla Oblongata in the brain. That sends impulses from the brain to the back of your mouth, leading to contraction, causing gagging.
At the same time, gagging may be caused by your cerebral cortex instead of the upper denture problem. Just by thinking about it, you stimulate your nerves into responding to it.
How dentures Cause a Gag Reflex
Dentures are known for causing a gagging reflex(dentures gag reflex). This happens when a section of your dentures touches the upper area of your mouth. Alternatively, this could occur when the back of the mouth or the tongue is touched. While it can be your throat near the tonsils responding to touch.
Therefore when wearing your dentures expect the upper section to come into contact with it. That causes you to gag, as the brain interprets the plate to be harmful. This, in turn, cause you to gag involuntarily.
How to stop gagging with new dentures?
Now that we have talked about gagging and how it happens. It’s time to look at how to wear dentures without gagging. In this section, we’ll analyze the best techniques to help with your denture gag reflex.
1. Distraction
Distraction is the perfect technique on how to wear dentures without gagging. The method helps you to prepare yourself for a gagging reflex. You are expected to breathe through your nose as you lift your feet off the chair during this process. That makes a quicker way to distract yourself from the reflex action happening.
Besides this, there is another option of making use of your pressure points. This acts as an alternative to distract yourself from the gagging reflex as well. The pressure points to trigger includes:
- You are to squeeze your thumb by wrapping four fingers around it. That should be done on the same hand. It will be like forming a fist with the thumb inside.
- The other pressure point is triggered by your right hand and pinching the area between your thumb and index finger.And this can casuse gag free dentures
2. Expansion
Expansion of the area that triggers your denture gagging reflex is another way of managing the condition. You are to work with your tongue scraper or toothbrush to attain comfort in the sensitive area.
This, in turn, creates a quicker-than-normal response to your gagging reflex. And once you have removed the denture, you are likely to experience an upper denture gagging. This is normal since it takes time for your mind to adjust to the changes.
Hence we recommend asking your dentist for a minister to act in the place of the denture. The minister helps to stimulate the area, preventing gagging. You can also check How to store dentures long term?
2. Multidisciplinary
It is also another technique you can use to manage your condition. To begin with, we suggest going for counseling. This might seem to be overboard, but it’s worth your time. It is wise going for sessions to treat your psychogenic etiology. The condition is usually related to fear, visual or olfactory stimulation, anxiety, and overactive imagination. Therefore, there is no need to be alarmed about this.
Challenges to expect when you first get a denture

To prepare for gag-free dentures, you need to know the challenges you will face. Getting your dentures fitted is one thing, while the challenges are another. For this reason, we will touch on the significant challenges you’ll experience, whether a first-timer or not. Plus, we’ll discuss how to cope with them one by one.
1. Irritation
Installing your dentures for the first time can be detrimental. One thing you should expect is irritation since the denture rub against your gums. This can cause minor inflammation, sores, or irritation. In most cases, you will experience either of the issues while eating.
How to overcome it
Well, if the irritation happens, you can rinse your mouth with warm salty water. But if the irritation persists, we suggest removing the dentures until the next appointment with your dentist. At this point, the physician will be able to refit the dentures and even pinpoint the cause of the irritation and fix it.
2. Loose Fit
Loose fit is part of the challenges to expect while having dentures. Keeping them in place for a while might be a huge problem. This is because the dentures might be loose and all it needs is an adjustment to fit perfectly. That said, you will need to train on your muscle control to hold the dentures in place. Your lips, tongue, and cheeks need to practice how to hold the dentures in place to avoid this.
How to overcome it
A loose fit can be related to your mind not having adjusted to the dentures. That is why you are experiencing gagging with dentures as well. Thus, we suggest using adhesive instead until you get used to your dentures.
Using the adhesive helps to build your confidence and improve your biting at the same time. However, after building your confidence and biting strength, you won’t need the adhesive anymore, and you can get back to your dentures.
3. Difficulty eating
My dentures make me gag, let alone having difficulty eating; what should I do? This is the big question. Well, having difficulty eating and gagging are expected for any first-timer. Especially eating crunchy foods usually dislocates your dentures.
Most of the time, they get caught under your dentures, irritating your gums in the long run. This even weakens your sense of taste, considering you are more focused on the dentures and the irritation.
How to overcome it
To help with this, we suggest starting with soft foods and then work your way up the scale to hard foods. While doing so, ensure you don’t bite with your front teeth at all costs. Instead, cut your food into smaller pieces and chew with the back of your mouth on both sides. Also, to ensure you have a flavor to your foods, we suggest adding spices and herbs.
4. Trouble Speaking
Trouble speaking is also another problem to expect while having the dentures on. For the first few weeks, expect this to happen as you may slur words. You might even find it harder to pronounce letters such as S’s and F’s. Also, we expect you to make clicking noises while conversing or making a speech. If that happens, there is no need to be alarmed.
How to overcome it
Here is what to do when experiencing trouble speaking. First, we recommend practicing with your friends and relatives. This helps to build your confidence as well. Alternatively, you can read books aloud to help with your pronunciation. And lastly, it’s wise if you try to bite and swallow speaking to be clear.
All in all, remember practice makes things perfect.
Should I get dentures?
This is a question you are asking yourself after hearing what you might face while having them on. Well, before getting any dentures fitting, you need professional advice. And once your dentist has made an assessment and evaluation then, you might have the dentures fitting. Here are some reasons why you will need a denture and also you should know what problem you will face with gag reflex problem with dentures.
1. You’ve missing teeth.
Missing teeth have been a leading cause for one being fitted with dentures. According to statistics, 156 million people in the United States are missing one or more teeth. The condition is referred to as Edentulism. or tooth loss. Thus, if you have any missing teeth, chances are you will be fitted with a denture. That is because chewing and speaking tend to be a problem, and dentures help to rectify this problem.
2. Gum diseases
This is also another reason for one getting dentures. The condition is brought about by the buildup of bacteria, plaque, and tartar along the gum lines. If the condition is left untreated, your teeth begin to pull away.
According to statics, over 64 million people are suffering from this condition. This is alarming as most people tend to ignore the condition until it is at the last stages. Hence, you are to be fitted with the dentures as teeth replacement.
3. Tooth Decay
It is also one of the leading causes of teeth replacement among people of different age groups. What leads to tooth decay is bacteria buildup which in turn becomes harmful to your enamel. That is what causes tooth cavities over time. However, dentures are the last defense when it comes to tooth decay. At first, if the teeth cavities are not severe, you might be advised to try out refilling and crowning. But once this two are not viable, dentures become the next viable treatment.
4. Improving appearance
In today’s world, once appearance plays a critical role. Did you know your teeth are what most people notice when you are speaking to them? That means your teeth need to be aligned appropriately to improve your confidence, let alone your appearance. This is why you need dentures fitted to improve your teeth’ alignment.
Five products you may chose for dentures
1. Benzodent Dental Pain Relieving Cream 0.25 Oz (3 Pack)
- All prices mentioned above are in United States dollar.
- This product is available at Walmart.com, Amazon.com.
- At walmart.com you can purchase Benzodent Dental Pain Relieving Cream 0.25 oz (Pack of 3) for only $15.09 , which is 9% less than the cost in Amazon.com ($16.65).
- The lowest price of Benzodent Dental Pain Relieving Cream 0.25 Oz (3 Pack) was obtained on 03/15/2025 1:35 PM.
Price history for Benzodent Dental Pain Relieving Cream 0.25 oz (Pack of 3) | |
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2. Professional Cosmetic Upper – New from Instant Smile
- All prices mentioned above are in United States dollar.
- This product is available at Walmart.com, Amazon.com.
- At walmart.com you can purchase Instant Smile Comfort Fit Flex - Natural Shade - Upper Veneer Cosmetic Teeth for only $24.95 , which is 27% less than the cost in Amazon.com ($34.00).
- The lowest price of Professional Cosmetic Upper - New from Instant Smile! Hand crafted detail, custom fit at home! Works Best in Medium to Large Sized Mouths. was obtained on 03/18/2025 8:08 AM.
Price history for Instant Smile Comfort Fit Flex - Natural Shade - Upper Veneer Cosmetic Teeth | |
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3. Imako Cosmetic Upper Teeth 1 Pack (Small, Natural)
- All prices mentioned above are in United States dollar.
- This product is available at Amazon.com.
- At amazon.com you can purchase Imako Cosmetic Teeth 1 Pack. (Large, Natural) Uppers Only- Arrives Flat. Fit at Home Do it Yourself Smile Makeover! for only $39.95
- The lowest price of Imako Cosmetic Teeth 1 Pack. (Large, Natural) Uppers Only- Arrives Flat. Fit at Home Do it Yourself Smile Makeover! was obtained on 03/24/2025 9:50 PM.
Price history for Imako Cosmetic Teeth 1 Pack. (Small, Natural) Uppers Only- Arrives Flat. Fit at Home Do it Yourself Smile Makeover! | |
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4. DrTungs Tongue Cleaner, Stainless Steel Tongue Scraper
- All prices mentioned above are in United States dollar.
- This product is available at Amazon.com.
- At amazon.com you can purchase DrTung’s Tongue Cleaner, Stainless Steel Tongue Scraper with Travel Pouch, Tongue Cleaner for Adults, Kids, Easy to Use Comfort Grip Handle, 2 Pack for only $17.99
- The lowest price of DrTung’s Tongue Cleaner, Stainless Steel Tongue Scraper with Travel Pouch, Tongue Cleaner for Adults, Kids, Easy to Use Comfort Grip Handle, 2 Pack was obtained on 03/24/2025 8:57 AM.
5. Instant Smile Veneer Set with Medium Top Set of White Teeth
- All prices mentioned above are in United States dollar.
- This product is available at Amazon.com.
- At amazon.com you can purchase Instant Smile Veneer Set with Medium Top Set of White Teeth and Bottom Set of White Teeth with 2 Extra Pkgs Thermal Beads for only $26.25
- The lowest price of Instant Smile Veneer Set with Medium Top Set of White Teeth and Bottom Set of White Teeth with 2 Extra Pkgs Thermal Beads was obtained on 03/23/2025 9:22 PM.
Yes, you can, but you’ll need to consult with your dentist before wearing a denture.
To get used to a denture takes around 30 days
Yes, gagging is normal as it is a natural way the body prevents one from choking.
After all, is said and done, you need to take care of your teeth and dentures. Nothing should be left to chance when it comes to your oral health. Therefore take time out of your busy schedule and visit your dentist. If you’re experiencing gagging with dentures, seek their advice and hide it. Plus, we have highlighted some of the best techniques to deal with gagging. This will get you through.